Tag Archives: Bonita Hyman

Bonita Stands for Beauty

29 Sep

I’m going to be short here, but did you ever have a classmate whom you thought was destined for great things? Or at least for being able to live out her dream? I am going to mention one such classmate of mine. Her name is Bonita Hyman and she is a delightfully prolific Facebooker. But what really impresses me about Bonnie is that I was always in awe of her for her musical talent. We had a wonderful choir when I was at boarding school, and she was always the star. When we had Christmas Vespers or Sacred Concert in the spring, (both occasions requiring astonishingly starchy garments), she would always be called upon to sing some thrillingly beautiful solo. She went off to study at Oberlin, if my memory serves me correctly, and now she has made her career as a busy opera singer based in Germany but traveling all over. My son was saying, “What happens to all the people who are really good at something when they’re kids and they don’t do it when they’re adults?” But Bonnie is an inspiration to me, because she really did it. She managed to build a life around music (and her obviously much-loved son.) I know that many of my classmates have her voice indelibly in their ears. So I am lucky to have found at least one little snippet of her busy career from Youtube to share below.

Question: What are you doing to live out your childhood dream—in at least some small way???