135journals Crafts of the Day: July 2, 2015–and a thank you for some inspiration.

3 Jul
Crafts du jour, July 2, 2015, by Alexandra Hanson-Harding

Crafts du jour, July 2, 2015, by Alexandra Hanson-Harding

Today’s news in craftage include experimenting with wrapping pieces of yarn, string, and embroidery floss around thick yarn. I have seen this idea in a number of places, but this craft blogger, lemonjitters, explains it and does a much better job than I do. Thank you, Lemonjitters!


Also, I feel incredibly flattered that another real, and I meal real, craft blogger, as in, a very talented lady who has actual very good advice, excellent skills, and lovely ideas, favorited yesterday’s crafts of the day. Check out her blog–you won’t be sorry. Thank you, thecraftymummyblog.com!

By the way, one smart thing that the crafty mummy advises is getting out there and networking with other crafting bloggers in the nicest way. Crafty–in the best way!! As an avid pinterestista, (check out my Pinterest page and you will see I have more than 10,000 items pinned. Because I am insane.) I am a great admirer of the ingenuity and hard work and skill of creators such as these two bloggers mentioned above, who give great advice and a splash of beauty to the world for free. I want to remember thecraftymummy’s advice and not just pin other people’s ideas and dream of trying them, but remember to thank them and to let them know how great I think they are.

Thank you, ladies! You’re an inspiration.

WRiting prompt: Who not someone who inspires you know that they do?

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